Aulas de PORTUGUêS on-line
If you need to learn Portuguese now, our Online Portuguese tutors from Brazil or Portugal can take you from Beginner to Proficiency level, covering general, business and technical language and country-specific cultural training.
Um resumo de nossos cursos de Português on-line
- Disponíveis para alunos de qualquer nível
- Personalizado para atender todos os seus requerimentos
- Flexibilidade nos horários
- Professores capacitados e nativos de Português

Aulas de Português de curso geral
This is the ideal course for students of all fluency levels, from Beginner to Advanced. All students will complete the course with a heightened sense of confidence and fluency.
Beginners will receive “Survival Portuguese” lessons to jumpstart their course. This part of the class will train beginners in the essentials of the Portuguese language to help students understand and better integrate into a Portuguese-speaking country. As students advance further into the course, their individual learning requirements and needs will be addressed to ensure students learn and progress at their desired speed.
More fluent speaks will focus on the complexities of Portuguese grammar and pronunciation while improving their vocabulary, listening/speaking skills, and fluency. Students may request specific training in any area of the Portuguese language.
Online General Portuguese is available as One-to-One and Two-to-One classes. Private (closed) Group and Public (open) Group classes are also offered. Private (closed) Group classes are formed amongst its participants. Language Trainers will prepare the course and schedule class times according to the convenience of each student in the group.
Public (open) Group classes are available for all students to join. Language Trainers will arrange the group, day and time of classes. Classes will meet at the same time and day each week.
For both Private and Public Group classes, the maximum size is 8 people per group.
Minimum booking is 10 hours for all classes.
Estes são os preços para os principais idiomas (inglês, espanhol, alemão, italiano e francês). Para outras línguas, os preços podem ser um pouco mais altos.(€340,00)
EXTRA STUDENT (2 or more): $5 / HOUR
Você gostaria de estudar Português de maneira on-line junto com pessoas do mundo todo que tenham os mesmos interesses que você?
Confira os grupos abertos de aulas de PORTUGUêS da Language Trainers Connect!
Está pronto para viajar e fazer amigos de várias partes do mundo?
- Mais de 80 línguas ensinadas por professores de alto nível
- Aprenda no conforto e segurança de sua casa de maneira presencial
- For business, travel, or social purposes

Aulas de Português de linguagem para negócios
These lessons are especially designed for students who would like to study Portuguese to help them advance in a current or prospective employment situation.
Complete Beginners will complete Survival Portuguese, E-mail Portuguese and Telephone Portuguese. All three of these lessons are essential for building the necessary skills to improve or advance in the current position of employment. Students will continue on to learn other fundamentals of Business Portuguese such as formal greetings, Portuguese business etiquette and cultural differences.
Students with a higher skill level can expect to learn the basics of document reading and writing. These students will also concentrate on the specified Portuguese requirements needed for their jobs.
Trainers are currently teaching students who are employees of multinational companies, in the import and export business and who are working in the areas of international negotiations and acquisitions. Language Trainers is also able to offer classes for those with international colleagues in the fields of both academia and business.
These lessons are available as One-to-One and Two-to-One. Private group classes are also available for those companies who wish to train their students in a group setting. Maximum group size is 8 people. Minimum booking for all classes is 10 hours.
Estes são os preços para os principais idiomas (inglês, espanhol, alemão, italiano e francês). Para outras línguas, os preços podem ser um pouco mais altos.(€340,00)
EXTRA STUDENT (2 or more): $5 / HOUR

Comece suas aulas on-line hoje, com a Language Trainers!
Nossos cursos são personalizados de acordo com todas as necessidades e requerimentos de nossos clientes, independentemente de o aluno ser iniciante ou avançado na língua.
Contacte-se connosco hoje para reservar uma aula experimentalWe are hiring Português teachers. If you have experience teaching Português online
Send us your resume or CV